Multiple security services are integrated in one product to reduce spends on additional network security products. UTM be can also be integrated in all types of security system infrastructure.
Take all advantage of security service functionality with no deprivation in data processing speed.
Effective traffic monitoring systems blocks up to 99,4% of threats. UTM Box security policies can be implemented in accordance with company security standards and regulator requirements.
UTM Box corp. is one of the most innovative companies in network security sphere. Our engineers are the leading specialists in the related sphere.
We study the leading services and solutions to integrate their best experience in our product. Permanent monitoring of new threats helps us to provide our products with advance defense.
Our specialists are ready to share their knowledge and experience with our clients. So we organize the on-line technical trainings on a regular basis and provide our audience with on-top information about modern trends in cybersecurity.
Our unique consumer-oriented business structure helps us to reduce costs with no reduce in quality of a product.